Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Athena Isle Calendar of Events - Jan & Feb 2008!

I can't contain my excitement about next month's scheduled guests for the new groups we've formed. Most events will take place on the top floor of my 3-tiered meeting space but if we get bigger turnouts, we'll move to my little outdoor venue and stage.

So without further ado, here is what you can expect in January on Athena Isle!

01/04/08 COMMUNITY BUILDERS - guest Sophrosyne Stenvaag, co-creator of Extropia

01/08/08 ENTREPRENEUR CLUB - Alan Behr, partner Alston & Bird LLP – Electronic Entertainment Group, "Protecting Your Intellectual Property in Second Life"

01/09/08 WRITERS CLUB - Lexa Dryke, publisher, The Looking Glass

01/18/08 COMMUNITY BUILDERS - Thinkerer Melville, Arts Patron & Owner of Cookie Island

01/22/08 ENTREPRENEUR CLUB - Elzbiet Meili, SL content creator; “Building Basics for SL Entrepreneurs”

01/23/08 WRITERS CLUB - Janet Rosen – book agent, women's market, "Writing for the Women's Market"

01/29/08 WOMEN'S CLUB - Susan Shapiro Barash, author, "Tripping the Prom Queen: The Truth about Women and Rivalry"

01/30/08 WRITERS CLUB - Penny Sansevieri – "Marketing for Authors"

And in February on Athena Isle!

02/01/08 COMMUNITY BUILDERS - Selina Greene, co-creator of Book and Publishing Islands

02/05/08 ENTREPRENEUR CLUB - Richard Laermer, Punk Marketing

02/19/08 ENTREPRENEUR CLUB - Rachel Allstart, author and marketer, "Evolving Your Brand in 3D Worlds & Social Networks"

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